Why Amer Craft Village was unknown to everyone till now?

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There are many reasons behind this because there are only a few people who were aware of this place and identified this culture of art and design done by “Kumhar” who has been living here for generations. They are continuously passing their knowledge and art from one to another in their own family. Some of them pursue this art to grow their business and some of them as their main hobby. Most tourists always want to explore something interesting and search for new places to visit in Jaipur, Rajasthan. The main reasons behind the fact that why Amer Craft Village was unknown to everyone till now are as follows:

Lack of Infrastructure 

This village had a basic infrastructure in the past because people who are living here do not have enough funds to invest and give this village a proper identity so that other people know about this place as well as visit their culture. But now, the Government invested in this project and given an identity to this place where the people of this village as well as their skills can identified by people around the world as much as possible. The Government turned “Amer Craft Village” into a very beautiful tourist spot and defined the culture of this place through coloring, statues, artifacts, and many more.

Preservation Over Promotion 

Many tourist destinations in Rajasthan marketed themselves very aggressively to capture a large amount of audience towards them. On the other hand, Amer Craft Village did not consider this strategy because the people of this village only wanted to showcase their art and culture purely. Instead of prioritizing promotion, the village focused on preserving its cultural heritage and traditional craftsmanship. But at some point, this strategy didn’t turn out well for villagers where other designations can seen as crowded as always. At Present, Amer Craft Village also started to attract people around the world through proper advertising and promotion done by the Government and turning among the best places to visit in Jaipur.

Shifting Demographics 

If we talk about previous generations, this craftmanship was their main source of income which was enough for them to survive. But At Present, the young generation wants to pursue something big in their life apart from this craftmanship which left only fewer young artisans staying behind to carry on the legacy of their ancestors. Through the proper development of “Amer Craft Village”, the young generation also started to find opportunities by showing their handicraft and art to tourists. Now there are many options for people of this village to earn in a way better manner.

Geographic Isolation 

“Amer Craft Village” has been a well-kept secret till now due to its location which always created various difficulties for tourists to visit this place and explore the hidden gem properly. Because of this reason, this village always goes unidentified and is kept away from the mainstream attention which was not good for the villagers. But now, anyone around the world can easily identify this location due to the large signboards that can be seen anywhere in Jaipur City.

“Amer Craft Village” is a place that was not that popular among the outsiders but maintained its traditional way of life. Internet and Social Media turned out to be the treasurers of hidden gems like this village and helped to gain global attention as well.

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